Thursday, February 28, 2008

Winter Fun (Or not so much fun...)

Here are some pictures we recently took of Alex sledding and of our house after the snow storm blew through this week. We're really sick of winter here. Time for spring, yes?

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Finally on board...

So I decided that our old website was just a little too difficult to keep up-to-date, and I'm hoping that blogging will be a little bit easier. With our little family expanding, it's about time we came up with a better way to keep our friends and family informed. So welcome to our new blog!

Things are going pretty well for us lately, even though we're currently living in an ice box. As cold as it's been here, though, it could definitely be worse. *Shivers at the thought of Minnesota and Mongolia*

Alfred finished with the postal project he was doing for ESS back in September, and since then, he's been able to spend more time at home. It's been great having him around more. Things will pick back up in Spring, though, so we're relishing every moment.

Alex is definitely growing before our eyes. And he's such a little smarty. He's managed to stay on the honor roll at school all year thus far. He's learning to play the piano and also taking swim classes a couple days a week. This Spring he'll be starting soccer, and he can't wait. So he is busy, busy.

I (Michelle) am trying to take it easy in my last trimester. The newest Harbich (Andrew Benjamin) is due to be born May 20, and he's already having fun trying to keep me up at night. But we've wanted this for so long that I can't help but be happy, even at 3 AM, when he's kicking me in sensitive spots and making me jump. Other than that, I'm still working with the Young Women at church and having fun with it. They're a great bunch of girls.

More updates will come shortly. There's plenty going on in the next few months, so I'll be sure to let you all know when there are updates to the blog. Thanks for checking in!