Have you ever seen that show "Make Room For Baby" that they have on the Discovery Health Channel? They have this little segment on there called Right 2 Rant. Whoever is having major issues on the show is given the R2R card and allowed 30 seconds in front of the camera to rant. Today I'm going to exercise my right to rant and then pass on the R2R card to someone else.
All day yesterday my nose was all stuffed up. Yuck! And I couldn't get any rest because every time I put Thing 2 down for a nap he would only sleep for about 15-20 minutes. I thought this was great because it would mean that he might actually sleep through the night since he didn't have a decent nap during the day. Wrong! I put him down in his crib at 9:30 PM. By 10, WAH! YOU LEFT ME ALONE IN MY CRIB!!! Fine, fine. I wasn't really ready to go to bed myself just yet. At 11, I put him down again and went to bed myself. By 11:15, WAH! YOU LEFT ME ALONE IN MY CRIB AGAIN!!! SHAME ON YOU! NOW YOU HAVE TO TAKE ME TO BED WITH YOU IF YOU WANT ME TO GO TO SLEEP AT ALL!!! WAH! After that, every time I was almost asleep, WAH! YOU'RE NOT CUDDLING WITH ME! WAH! I WANT A DRINK! WAH!!! THESE COVERS ARE TOO HOT! WAH! And if that wasn't enough, by 5 AM, my cell phone starts crying as well! WAH! THERE'S A 2-HOUR SCHOOL DELAY! And then again about 15 minutes before my alarm goes off: WAH!!! SCHOOL IS CLOSED TODAY. WAAAAHHHHH!!!!!! And of course after the last text came through, my darling little whiner is all smiles and ready for breakfast. Can't wait to do it again tonight.
On the upside, my sinuses are clearer this morning. At least until I'm done trying to find the car under all our new snow, I'm hoping for a better day.
Ok, let's see... I'm passing on the R2R card onto Carrie of
The Younger Barkers. Hey Carrie! Have you found Randy yet?