Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The boy likes his privacy...

Have you ever noticed that when you give a little tot a new toy still in its box that he seems more interested in the box than the toy? I remember slapping myself in the forehead a few times when trying to get my son interested in this great new toy I'd gotten for him, but all he cared about was how many things he could do with the great big box it came in. Mind you, that was 5-6 years ago. Since that time, he's learned to appreciate the fun-filled object inside the box.

With our kitchen remodel done, I've been busy unpacking boxes and putting things where they belong in the kitchen. While I've been thus engaged, my son has rediscovered his love of big boxes. One day, after emptying a few, my son took interest in one box in particular and asked if he could have it for his reading box. I told him I didn't mind, but that he might not be able to see to read very well in there. That was no deterrent, of course. He'd just move the box under a lamp.

When Alfred came home and saw his son's cool new hideout, he made it official and wrote on it, "Alexander's private reading box. Do NOT disturb." Alex was very appreciative of this gesture. Soon after, he decided he could use this box to do some writing, too. So he picked up the same marker his daddy used and wrote on another side, "Alex's privet wrighting box. Do not disterb!!!" After Alfred and I had stuck our noses in there a few times to see what he was up to, he got a little annoyed and wrote on another side, "Alexander's secret box. With an eye." And then he drew a big eye on it so that there would be no doubt in our minds that he was watching us when we were snooping on him. It still makes me laugh to think that he actually believes this would stop us. Plus it's just too cute.

I'll be so sad when he stops taking interest in things like this...


B said...

That is way too cute. How I look forward to those types of things.

Brent and Katie said...

Dang. My boys don't care about privacy. I can't even get them to close the bathroom door when guests are here. Oh well.